Saturday• March 22nd, 2025

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SPANISH BROOM is a PWAC Collective Artist Group and an Albuquerque based Flamenco collaborative. The group consists of 11 members of various backgrounds and disciplines. They all share Flamenco in common and were connected through the University of New Mexico and the National Institute of Flamenco, a 501c(3) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. With the training and knowledge from these educational institutions, they were able to come together to create and collaborate. The scope of their work extends beyond the realm of Flamenco to other artistic expressions.

MISAEL BARRAZA DIAZ | TUCSON, AZ - Originally from Mexico, Misael began playing Flamenco as a self-taught musician at around the age of fifteen. His hunger and devotion towards the Andalucian artform eventually lead him to study in Spain with world-renown Flamenco guitarist Oscar Herrero, who was instrumental in guiding Misael to becom the artist he is today.
In 2010, Barraza was awarded the first prize at the Concurso Nacional de Flamenco in Albuquerque, NM, at the prestigious Festival de Flamenco and has become one of the top Flamenco guitarists in the US and is sought out for his skills as a soloist and cuadro accompaniment. He has recently presented his latest album El Camino Forjado in 2023.
FRANCISCA NAVA | PHOENIX, AZ began her flamenco training at the Institute for Hispanic Dance, under the direction of Laura Moya in Phoenix, AZ. She was a formative member of Flamenco por la Vida under the direction of Angelina Ramirez and performed in “Mujeres,” directed by Yumi La Rosa.
She performs regionally as guest artist and instructor with Chayito Champion in San Antonio, Texas and Julia Chacon's Inspiration Flamenca for her Into Flamenco series in Scottsdale, AZ. Francisca’s mission is to evolve and grow as a dancer and promote personal development and healing through teaching and performing the respectable artform of Flamenco. In 2018, Francisca was invited to teach Master workshops at Teresa Champion Dance Academy (San Antonio TX) and was a guest artist in the “Tri-Centenial Celebrations of Las Misiones de San Antonio,” alongside Carlos Menchaca in San Antonio TX, under the direction of Chayito Champion partnered with the Flamenco Arts Society of San Antonio.
Francisca currently teaches Flamenco dance to both children and adults, as well as directs Franchesca Flamenco.
*Doors open 30 minutes prior to show | ALL AGES WELCOME
ALAC DOWNTN PHX - 147 E Adams St, Phoenix, AZ-85004